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You are set free.

Hey friends! It's the last Sunday in January - which means it's time for another scripture sunday!! Wow, time flies - so let me update you on what’s new! I have recently started taking classes at a local community college, I found a new passion for rock climbing, I have been recording many episodes for my podcast (co-hosted with my bestie), and I have been reading a book titled “All The Bright Places” which I really enjoyed!

As you may recall from my first post of 2023, at the beginning of each month I pick a word - and my intention is to live out the meaning of that word in my everyday life. January’s word of the month was free - so in honor of January’s word, this week’s passage is centered on the idea of freedom!

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed - John 8:36


I am free from the lies that I used to tell myself, and so are you!

This past month I have been working on not taking everything SO seriously. Yes, I still love to make plans, set goals and accomplish what I set out to do. BUT I have also been taking time to do little things like watch tv, rock climb, podcast, cuddle with my puppy scout, experiment with my style and so much more. And this is because I am practicing setting myself free from parameters and rules that I held myself to. I am free from all the “shoulds” that I told myself were necessary. For example “My workouts should include walking or running.” “I should choose a different snack.” “I should be doing more.” “I should not eat that.” “I should be farther along.” and so on. As I practice letting go of the loud thoughts in my mind, I feel more free. And freedom is achieved in many different feelings.

I feel strong when I am rock climbing. I feel relaxed when I am watching tv. I feel loved when I am cuddling with my puppy. I feel brave when I am challenging my eating disorder. I feel grateful when I am with my family. I feel proud when I am podcasting with my bestie. I feel free when I am trusting God.

February word of the month: passion

I hope that you are having a wonderful day, I am grateful to all of you!




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