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Trusting my journey.

"I trust you, God."

Hey friends! I hope that you are having a wonderful day! I just wanted to share a mid-week reminder that has helped me get trough the first part of the week and will continue to help me along my jouney!

As you know, I am a big advocate for noticing where the light gets in and I believe that there is always light when we choose to see it. I’m also not going to diminish the fact that some days are much harder than others, and today was one of those hard days. Even though I know that the hard days will not last forever, it still takes a lot of strength to persevere. In fact, light shines the brightest when it radiates through the darkness. Without the hard and dark days, the light wouldn’t shine as bright. And for that, I am grateful that I have the power to let God guide me through the darkness so that one day I can continue to shine His love onto others.

The past couple of nights, I have been really bummed about where I am on my journey. I had this perfect plan of what my life would be like this year, it included being a college-athlete, training for marathons and excelling in the classroom all while maintaining strong relationships with my friends and family. But lately it seems like I took my plan, turned it inside out, threw it into a washing machine and now I am currently trying to wring out the wet mess.

My direction was taken away- that perfect path that I envisioned myself walking along, now proves to not be my journey. My journey led me here, and now I am struggling to create my own path to continue moving forward. With no exact path to follow, I am having a hard time sitting in this discomfort of not achieving. I have always strived for external validation - whether that's from teachers, friends, parents or coaches. But now, I no longer have school, clubs and sports to distract myself and prove my worth through my achievements. All of the work that I am doing seems so ominous and passive and it's hard to go to sleep at night feeling so unfulfilled with myself at the end of the day.

I want to escape my loud thoughts and distract myself with external achievements. But I know that true strength comes from riding the wave. By allowing myself to work through this discomfort, I can become who God created me to be. I can recognize that my worth does not come from my achievements, rather it comes from God.

I am so frustrated that the journey that I had envisioned, is no longer the journey that God is leading me on. But I am sure that God’s plan is far greater than mine, so I am going to try to embrace my new journey that was perfectly created for me.

I know that it is a challenge, but I am inviting you to join me as I learn to be a noticer of the light, even on our hard days, especially on our hardest days. God is guiding me along my path, He has me exactly where I am meant to be. His plan is greater than ours. I pray that we can strengthen the trust in ourselves as we let God guide us along our journeys. Keep noticing the light, keep shining God’s love.




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