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See the good.

Hey friends, happy Sunday! I'm so glad that it finally feels like spring! I hope you’ve all soaked in the lovely weather :) Its almost Easter and I can not believe how quickly winter flew by!

Here are some updates:

  • I had a busy weekend working as a photographer for young gymnasts as they competed at their State Championships.

  • I’m getting excited for my trip to Ireland for Easter.

  • I had a lovely time visiting my best friend in Nashville.

  • And I am very invested in a book series called the Clifton Chronicles by Jeffery Archer.

Scripture Sunday

It's been a while since we did a scripture sunday, so I figured it was time to get back into it!

1 Peter 4:8

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

This week's passage is all about finding the good in others. The idea of “finding the good” has been on my mind a lot recently. As a photographer, my entire task is to capture the athletes at their peak. I wait until they are flying in the air or joyfully celebrating a stuck landing before snapping the photo. No matter the level of the performance, my job is to capture the good moments.

The concept of “finding the good” is a stark contrast to my previous perspective of gymnastics. When I was a gymnast, I remember cringing as I watched a video of my competition performance. It was so easy for me to overlook my graceful arms and pointed toes and immediatly focus on my unstuck landings or slightly bent legs. All my mistakes would remind me of what I could have done better.

But this weekend, I wasn't fixated on the scoreboard or how solid the gymnast’s landings were, rather, I focused on the athlete’s graceful lines and joyful celebrations. Instead of seeking mistakes, I was doing my best to capture the beauty.

We can all be quick to find the bad in ourselves, in our situations, or in those around us. But when we take the time to notice the beauty that lives within the chaos, life gets a whole lot more fun.

3 gratefuls

laughing with Zoe at work, learning about the psychology of resilience, and watching Good Will Hunting with my Dad

Have a great week! Let's do it!




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