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My Ireland Adventures!

My trip to Ireland!

Starting off strong with the beautiful country fields, powerful ocean waves and Dublin's busy streets, Ireland did not disappoint. I was blessed with the opportunity to have traveled to Ireland with my Mom and my Granny when I was 14. Both my Mom and my Granny were born in Ireland, so in other words, I had the world’s best tour guides! Each day of the trip was completely different, starting off in Dublin, then venturing across the country to Galway, and then concluding our trip in my Mom’s hometown of Dun Laoghaire (dun-lear-y) and each adventure seemed to get better and better!

Although the trip was 5 years ago and we spent a total of 5 days in Ireland, when I reflect on the trip, I seem to have collected more memories on this brief trip abroad then many of my longer trips elsewhere. I am so excited to share these memories with you and I pray that you can one day make your own!

We flew into Dublin and then spent two nights in an independently owned hotel. When we first arrived, the hotel manager greeted us with candies known as bon bons and warm scones with cream. We spent our first full day in Ireland exploring the journey from Dublin to Galway on a bus tour. Don’t let the idea of a bus tour deter you, that journey was probably one of the most incredible adventures I have ever experienced. We had a fun bus driver who told many stories about his life in Ireland. He drove us all the way to the Cliffs of Moher and along the way, we stopped at an amazing gas station. My Mom and I got sausage rolls and freshly squeezed orange juice!

When we arrived at the Cliffs of Moher, we were blessed with the most amazing weather imaginable. The cliffs were only moderately busy, the wind was calm, and the sun was out, allowing us to take in the beauty of God's creation.

After visiting the cliffs, we stopped to briefly explore Galway. We shopped in a couple stores, but we mostly just embraced the city rush. On our drive from Galway back to Dublin, the narrow country roads mixed with the massive tourist bus made for quite the ride. We saw sheeps, cows, horses and goats!

We spent the next two days walking around Dublin. Our adventures took us to Grafton Street where we stopped in Bewley’s to try tea and sugar cubes. We traveled to Trinity College, where we observed all 200,000 books that reside in The Long Room. We ate a delicious Irish breakfast while visiting with family. And we loved taking in all that the city had to offer!

After exploring Dublin, we ventured out to the country, specifically my Mom and Granny’s hometown called Dun Laoghaire (dun-lear-y). We stayed in a big hotel near the sea. We spent our days exploring where my Mom attended school, walking along a pier and eating 99ers from the famous Teddy’s. Teddy’s 99ers are a delicious Irish classic consisting of the creamiest ice cream I have ever tasted with a chocolate flake candy bar placed in the middle of the swirl. Days out here were very refreshing. I enjoyed sitting by the rocky seashore listening to the waves crash. And I enjoyed walking across the rocky beaches. I am so excited to go back!

My Mom and I flew home, tired, content and grateful for all of the memories we were blessed with! I will forever cherish my adventures around Ireland with my favorite tour guides and I am so excited to go back to Ireland to make more memories :))




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