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Memories from Maui.

Updated: Dec 17, 2022

Hey friends, happy thanksgiving! I hope you are having a great weekend. I have been reflecting about how my family and I typically travel for thanksgiving, but this year we are cozy at home. We are a little bummed that we aren't out and about, but this is the perfect time to realize all of the blessings around us and in us. Today and always, I am grateful for travel and the memories that I make while traveling with those I love. It’s crazy to think that the same God who created the powerful ocean waves and painted the beautiful sunsets also created me and you, and now we get to experience his masterpiece.

I am going to be sharing about my trip to Maui. In Hawaii, “mahalo” means “thank you” and with today being thanksgiving, I wanted to Mahalo for the memories :)


My trip to Hawaii!

August of 2021, my Mom, Tes and I traveled to Maui Hawaii to enjoy 5 days of adventuring around the island. My trip to Maui was probably one of my most favorite memories. Between exhilarating new experiences and refreshing afternoons by the pool, Maui was the perfect mix for adventure and relaxation. I am so excited to bring you along as I talk about all things Maui!

Day 1

After an eventful 10 hour flight from Chicago to Maui, we were very excited to start our adventure. We rented an adorable convertible and drove with our hair blowing in the wind and our eyes gazing all around the beautiful sights. Once we arrived at the hotel, we were hungry from a long day of travel, and decided to get dinner from the hotel’s outdoor restaurant. We started the meal with a delicious fruit platter and yummy banana bread. For my entree, I enjoyed the most delicious fish tacos I have ever tasted. Just when we thought that things couldn’t get better, we walked down to the beach and took in a colorful sunset while listening to live music.

Day 2

We woke up around 5:00 am to begin our journey along the Road to Hana. I highly recommend driving the winding and swirly Road to Hana. Our 2 hour drive turned into a 10 hour adventure! Some of the many highlights included rainbow trees, swimming in waterfalls, hiking to hidden beaches and warm banana bread. There are simply not enough hours in the day to check off all that the Road to Hana has to offer, but we sure did our best! I love my travel buddies because we were on the go. Exploring and adventuring around the island together. Simply glancing out the window as we were driving up the volcano was enough to take my breath away. We ended the day by enjoying dinner from Hawaii’s food trucks!

Day 3

After a long day of exploring, we decided to spend our day relaxing at the beach! Although it was very relaxing, our day on the beach ended up being far more adventurous than I expected! I was able to check-off one of the top experiences on my bucket list - cliff jumping! My sister and I swam out about 30 feet into the sea, climbed a 20 ft rock and then jumped from the top of the cliff into the deep blue sea. It was exhilarating! Seeing all the colorful fish and jagged rocks made the experience all the more exciting. We spent our afternoon chilling in the pool sipping on Pina Coladas! After our relaxing afternoon, we went to see the sea turtles. We saw so many turtles just laying on the beach. Another great day in the books.

Day 4

This was the day that I discovered my new dream of becoming a pro-surfer ahaha. We went surfing! I had an absolute blast. It was so much fun just being out in the water, trying something new. Surf’s up dude! After, we walked back to the cliff to jump into the sea another time (it's too fun not to do it again)! We ended the day by watching yet another beautiful sunset on the beach. God painted us such a beautiful masterpiece :)

Day 5

Day 5 was the final day of our trip so we were soaking up every second we had left on the island. I will be honest, I was not ready to go home! I was having the time of my life exploring the island with my Mom and Tes. But all good things must come to an end. After tasting our last delicious Hawaiian fruit and swimming in the rocky sea one more time, we drove our convertible to the airport to get on the plane. I will forever cherish this trip! I made so many amazing memories with people I love doing things I love. I am so excited to go back and make more memories!


I hope you enjoyed! I am grateful for each and everyone of you! Have a happy thanksgiving, be kind to yourself. Don't forget to notice where the light gets in!




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