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  • AG

It's Christmas time!

Hey friends, Christmas Eve is only one week away!

I am so excited because Christmas is a time to be with my loved ones, celebrate Jesus, and do fun holiday activities. But before we get wrapped up in the holiday rush, I wanted to write three little reminders for us :)


1. Christmas break is a time to do activities that fill your cup.

I know that this season is full of tradition, but please take time to notice the activities and people that fill you up rather than drain you. I want to remind you that just because “it’s always been this way” does not mean that you are stuck. It’s hard to break tradition, but if something excites you such as watching a Christmas movie instead of going through the same list of traditions, then do that. At the end of Christmas break, you should feel refreshed, seen, heard and loved. And this can only happen if you listen to what you need in order to fill you up. Family and friends are a massive part of filling my cup, so instead of rushing around trying to accomplish everything on my list, I intend to spend time with loved ones. It doesn't matter what I am doing with my family and friends so long as we are all happy and healthy together.

2. Place intention ahead of expectation.

As a perfectionist, I have extremely high expectations. But with high expectations comes pressure, and with pressure comes fear. I think that fear is a common feeling, especially around this time of year. In this season of hope, we should not feel pressured to achieve earthly perfection because the fear of falling short will drown out the hope of Jesus. I am placing intention ahead of expectation in order to find joy throughout this season and to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus.

3. Take care of yourself.

This should be an all-year-around tip, but it’s definitely easy to forget. You can’t be the person you want to be for others without taking care of yourself first. Taking care of yourself can be done in many ways - both big and little. A little way that I like to take care of myself is by making a mug of tea. I feel so much more at peace when I have my hands wrapped around a warm mug.


Merry Christmas friends! Enjoy the moment and know that no matter what you give, receive, make, decorate, or accomplish, you are worthy of the light of Jesus. May you notice all of the light that is shining onto you and for you, this time of year and always.




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