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Here's to strong women.

Happy Scripture Sunday my friends! As you may know, today is Mother’s Day! Even though just one day out of all 365 days of the year isn't NEARLY enough time to celebrate the strong women in our lives, I am going to try my best to celebrate my Mom. Today’s Bible verse is a classic. I bet you have seen it plastered on signs in Hobby Lobby or painted on the wall above family pictures, but even though it's all around us, I think it gets overlooked far too often. Let's break it down!

1 Corinthians 16:14: “Do everything in love."

Do EVERYTHING in love? I know that seems impossible to accomplish. When I imagine doing absolutely everything in love, my mind pictures a perfect world where there is peace and happiness all of the time. But, unfortunately that is not true. Doing everything in love does not create a perfect world. Doing everything in love can be messy, it can be hard, it takes sacrifice and it takes bravery. When we decide to do everything in love, it doesn't take away the struggles and obstacles in life, rather it gives it purpose.

My Mom is a beautiful example of doing everything in love. Yes, just like everyone, some days are hard for my Mom. Some days are tiring. Some days she needs to dig a little deeper to find her strength. And every day, she is making sacrifices for those she loves. My Mom has certainly not been dealt the easiest set of cards, but every single day, my Mom shows up, finds strength, and does everything in love.

Doing things in love will look a lot of different ways. One day, it might look like singing in the car to Taylor Swift, helping to pick out a prom dress, or hugging your daughter after graduating highschool. And the next day might look more like folding laundry, driving to different activities, or calming an anxious mind. Throughout the highs and lows, the intention behind the action is love. My Mom's love for me and my sisters is the reason why she carries on. Love doesn't take away my Mom’s obstacles or struggles. In fact, it does the opposite, but love does something so much more miraculous than simply taking away hardship. Love creates purpose. My Mom’s life is far from picture perfect, but it's perfect for me because she loves me unconditionally. I am proud to be my Mom’s daughter. I am proud to have her courage inside of me. I am proud to get to learn from her each and every day. And I am proud to be one of the many on the receiving end of her love.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there (especially mine)!




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