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Healing out loud.

Hey friends, it's time for another scripture Sunday! I hope that you are having a lovely week. Some highlights of my week have been working hard in programming, talking to my friends, and watching a tv show that I have recently got back into! For this week’s post, I wanted to dive deeper into some of the reasons that I am using this platform to share my insight! Come along as I highlight the strength it takes to practice vulnerability and the power that comes from sharing our stories. Just as Jesus made the courageous choice to come save us, I am taking small steps to follow His lead.

I came so that they may have life and have it abundantly.

John 10:10

For a long time, my number 1 value was to live selflessly. But after learning more about myself and the world around me, I discovered that I was completely lying to myself. I said that my number 1 value was to be selfless because I saw how much praise and glory selfless people received. Realistically, my value was to be a people-pleaser. As I have grown, my number 1 value is no longer to be selfless and praised in society. In fact, I don’t actually know what my number 1 value is. However, I do know that I have a lot of passion for helping others, spreading God’s love and connecting with those around me.

Rather than striving to live a selfless life, my intention is to live a life of love, authenticity and faith. And a small way in which I plan on living out my values is this blog! It can be really scary to share our stories. Trust me, I get it. When I practice sharing parts of myself, I feel way out of my comfort zone. But in order to help others who are struggling in silence I have to go out of my comfort zone.

I have learned that practicing vulnerability requires so much strength. So, I am going to be continuing with courage as I share my story. I hope that by healing out loud, I will create the space for others to do the same. We all have a story that’s worth sharing, and I want to hear yours! I hope that by healing out loud, I will connect with so many others and create a wave that can drown the sense of shame and guilt that comes with mental illness.

Stay tuned for more!




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