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Give thanks for He is good!

Scripture Sunday 11/20/22 - 1 Chronicles 16:34

Hey friends, happy scripture sunday! I am excited because this upcoming week is Thanksgiving! A time that is all about gratitude and appreciating the blessings around us! With that being said, I am going to make this week’s scripture passage short and sweet!

Here’s the passage!

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

– 1 Chronicles 16:34

I think that it is easy to equate living in gratitude to living with a permanent smile on our face. I get it. It is hard for me to show the hard things because my gratitude far outweighs the struggle. But God did not create us to be permanently smiling people, He created us to have a community filled with support and love all around us. But, something that I have recently learned is that I can still be completely grateful while at the same time showing and recognizing my struggles.

I pray that each and everyone of you feel surrounded by a community filled with support and love. Join me as I practice living in both gratitude and honesty- this week and always.




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