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Darkness Into Light.

Scripture Sunday 11/6/22 - 2 Samuel 22:29

Hey friends! Happy scripture sunday! Today’s scripture passage is 2 Samuel 22:29 which states “He turns my darkness into light.” As my blog almost entirely centers on noticing where the light gets in, I have been reflecting a lot upon how God can transform our darkest moments into light. And with that being said, I picked this week’s passage for several reasons.

The first reason - 2 Samuel 22:29 was brought to my mind was through a conversation that I had with one of my best friends. We were going back and forth sharing our ups and downs from the past couple months and I began telling her that one of my brightest blessings was how much stronger I felt in my friendship with God. In the past, my relationship with God was more like a Father and a daughter. I would always respect Him and pray to Him, but I kept the more casual conversations for my friends and family. It is a beautiful thing to communicate to friends and family, but since I was not around many familiar faces this summer, I had to re-evaluate my relationship with God. I began writing letters to God just telling Him all about my day. Then letters turned into conversations with God. Then conversations turned into a deep sense of comfort knowing that with God as my friend I will never be alone. With my new connection to God, no matter where I am, I will always have a friend.

The second reason - Even during the darkest, scariest, loneliest times, God can hold all of the heavy feelings. When I look deep inside my worst days, I know that God didn't just turn around and forget that I was here. He purposely put me exactly where I was meant to be. So while I had so many dark thoughts this summer, He remained in my heart, lighting up my darkness. He put me exactly where He wanted me to be, and He is doing the same for you!

The third reason - This week has been gloomy and overcast with so much rain (although I do love a cozy overcast day), yet through all of the clouds, I have felt so at peace with where I am in my recovery. Things are finally moving along in the right direction and I am going to continue to do the hard work. With the peace of God lighting up my path, I will continue to do the brave thing that is recovery, and along the journey I am pausing to notice all the light.

This week I am going to make note of how my darkness is being turned into light through God’s deep love. I pray that you all have a lovely week and please let me know if you notice God turning your darkness into light.




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