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Comparison is a thief.

Scripture Sunday 11/13/22 - Romans 12:6

Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; Romans 12:6

Hey friends! I hope you are having a lovely weekend filled with lots of light! This week’s scripture passage is all about comparison. This may be a tricky topic to talk about because it can be hard to honestly share how we all feel about comparison. I still get stuck on seeking relief through the idea of proving my worth as an overachiever. And of course that path to self-esteem includes comparison and is contingent upon others. When in reality, we should keep our eyes fixed on things above and let God guide us on our own journeys. I am going to share 3 reasons why we should turn away from compassion and embrace our journeys.

1. Comparison is a thief.

Comparison is a thief that steals the joy of our own unique journeys. We are all traveling along our own paths, being guided at all different paces. It is impossible to embrace our unique joys and individuality if we are constantly looking to the left and right. I know that comparison steals my appreciation for all the beauty around me.

When I am looking to the left and to the right, constantly making sure that I am not falling behind, it puts too much pressure on me to be perfect all the time. God didn’t create me to be a perfect human, but for some reason, if I am not ahead, I am not living up to my standards. But that's the thing about comparison- it equates achievements and standards to worth and happiness. Comparison constantly reminds me that there is always something that I can be doing better. My intention is to notice those moments when comparison is trying to steal my joy, and in those moments I will practice living in the present moment, just as I am.

2. Traveling at different paces.

My path is different from yours. My path is different from what it used to be. And my path will change again in the future. Our paths are not linear. Each path has many ups and downs, twists and turns. Sometimes we may be crawling and other times we may be flying. At this moment, some of us are on the peak of a mountain and others are in a valley just trying to keep going. But all of us are on our journeys being led by God.

3. Celebrate each other!

I think that long term happiness can be most easily achieved by celebrating each other's success rather than comparing. I am aware that this sounds a little unrealistic, because of course we do not want to let our own jealousy and insecurities lead us to compare ourselves with others. But I invite you to join as we practice, day by day, to start celebrating the successes and milestones of those around us rather than using their accomplishments to add to our insecurities.

Here’s an example- When I was a gymnast, I continually fell short of making the JO National Team. This didn’t just happen once, but three times. The entire competition season, I was constantly comparing myself to my competitors, working hard to beat them and get a spot on the team. But when the competitions were over, the comparison left me feeling disappointed in myself. Without comparing myself to others, I would have most likely still worked just as hard in the gym, I most likely would have still missed a spot on the National Team, but instead of feeling extreme disappointment, I would have been proud of myself for what I did accomplish rather than what I didn’t.

There are so many ups and downs and twists and turns along the journey. But please remember- worth is not connected to achievements. We are traveling along our own paths. The most important thing to remember is that all paths lead to Heaven.




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