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Becoming who we are meant to be.

Hi friends! I decided to bring some inspiring lyrics from (the incredible) Taylor Swift into our week to keep us going. As you may know, I am a swiftie all the way, so I hope you enjoy today's post just as much as I do. Here’s the lyrics!

“… I'm sorry

But the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now

Why? Oh, 'cause she's dead”

Let’s debrief this verse :)

Taylor Swift was often pushed around due to her “polite” and “innocent” characteristics. Being who everyone wanted her to be caused TS to lose parts of herself. I related a lot to TS when she voiced that she wanted to be perfect for everyone all the time. However, the cool part is that she was able to take back her power. Additionally, she empowered so many individuals to stand up and take back their power.

I recently had a conversation with a friend. I told her that I missed the person that I used to be. The person who was always “coachable” and “agreeable.” I continued to tell her that I just wish that I could go back to the person I was before my eating disorder. My friend said to me “Ava, you will never be that person ever again. No matter how hard you try, you have grown too much to simply go back to your old ways.” At first, her words upset me. But we continued to talk and she enlightened me on a new perspective.

I will never be the person that I used to be. I will never be the person who controlled her body and pleased everyone. I will never unlearn what I have been conditioned to believe. But I can continue to grow and trust who I am becoming. And that is a beautiful thing. T.S.’s verse implies that the old “agreeable” and “innocent” person that she used to be, is no longer inside of her. She has grown too much to go back to the person she was.

This week, let’s practice trusting that we are growing in beautiful and honest ways. We are becoming who we are meant to be. Just like T.S., I am going to practice looking at who I am rather than missing the person that I was.




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