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A love of learning.

(The following post was written with the intention to be published on fathers day. It's a couple weeks late which was not ideal, but writing doesn't always have to be perfect to be important. It is always important to make sure we tell people just how loved they are. Let's get to it!)

"The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love."

Psalms 103:8

Happy scripture Sunday my friends! Also, happy Father’s Day to all the incredible Dads out there (especially mine)! In today’s scripture passage, we hear of God's unwavering love. His love shows us that no matter how many times we mess up, God will still be graciously with us. With Father's Day on my mind, this passage reminded of my Dad's steadfast love. Just like God, no matter how many times I slip, my Dad will remain by my side. So, today’s blog post is for my Dad.

If there is one thing you should know about my Dad, it is that he loves to learn. Traveling on a trip, my Dad is telling stories about the the destination. Enjoying a stroll outside, my Dad is spitting out all sorts of facts about the topic of conversation. Attending Mass on Sunday, my Dad knows the details in the Gospel reading. My Dad's hunger for knowledge inspires me to remain inquisitive.

It is no surprise to say that my Dad loves to learn. However, I am not sure many can see the full extent of his learning. Many observe his love of reading about history, politics and catholicism, and many can detect his spunge-like ability to retain facts. However, what inspires me the most is his ability to learn by connecting with those around him. His powerful love is unwavering, yet he continues learning how to better show up for those around him, and how he can better show up for himself.

He shows his love for me by sitting with me during meals, answering my calls at 2 am, driving in the middle of the night to pick me up from a sleepover, and watching my favorite show until I fall asleep. As I have grown up, the way I need his support has changed. My Dad embraces each change as an opportunity to learn how he can be there for me. I see him learning how to calm me down when I get anxious. I see him learning how to use his strengths to help overpower any evils that exist. Each day, he is learning and growing. I can see it.

My Dad is also the most talented writer I know. He inspires me to keep practicing. Harry Clifton, my Dad’s favorite fictional character, said, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” and his belief remains true. Just like Clifton, my Dad can change the world with his words. I aspire to do the same.

Thank you for everything Dad!




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