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A grateful heart.

(just because I'm thankful for Hawaii)

A reminder - March 4th, 2023

Today I was reminded of my favorite bible verse - Philippians 4:6 which states “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”

Throughout the chaos of the last couple weeks, I forgot to notice the details. Details that God did not forget to provide, but rather I simply forgot to appreciate. Instead of noticing joy, I was wrapped up in fear. My mind was focusing on meaningless numbers and I was letting it control me. I briefly forgot that it is not all in my hands to decide the course of my future.

All I can control is THIS moment. And deep down, I knew what was right and what will help me in the long run. The fear wasn’t going away just because I recognized what was right, but the cool thing about fear is that it can exist simultaneously with courage. I can choose to live courageously in this moment and I can let God do the rest. It's really hard to surrender to God's will rather than letting yourself get wrapped up in anxiety. And of course I still have my fair share of anxiety, because let's face it, we all do. We are imperfect beings created by a perfect God. But as Phillipians 4:6 states “do not be anxious… but with thanksgiving present your requests to God”

I forgot how much a grateful heart can help heal my mind. This weekend I was able to take a step back and notice all of God’s details. I reminded myself of all that I have rather than all that I do not have, and that made all the difference. My intention is to carry on with courage as I notice all of God’s details with a GRATEFUL heart.

I am grateful for so much - including my loved ones, my faith, my voice, my mind, my future and oh so much more.

I pray that each of you can see the beauty in God’s details and live in THIS moment with a grateful heart. Ultimately, all we have is this moment. And living in this moment with a grateful heart is so much more fun than living with a mind filled with anxiety.




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